Friday, February 25, 2011

Jumping Off Places - Week Three

Just 'jump right in!' (when it comes to our writing). Our first week was very interesting, the second week had a couple of glitches--Hope everything works just right today! A review of it works: 1) First Lines provided here. 2) Write a post on your blog next week using the first line of your choice. It doesn't have to be long, just a few thoughts or a paragraph. Anything. Who knows, it could become a story! 3) Take your time--One Week--then come back next Friday and link in with the URL of your post! (Not just your blog address, please.) 4) On Friday's we'll read each other's work and Enjoy! If you have written something for week two (list of first lines in last weeks post) please drop down to the link part of this post and add your name and your URL. We'll then be able to come read your creativeness! First Lines for Next Week --Week THREE: 1) On the top of the piano sat a beautiful gilded frame with a yellowing . . . . 2) All I could hear was the flapping of the sails. 3) A diaploma! I thought I would never see one in his hands. 4) The floor creaked, a light flashed, and my fellow actor was lowered down on a rope. 5) She stopped me in mid-sentence. Happy CREATIVE writing! Don't forget to come back and link in on Friday!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Abby's House Guest

(Part 12 of Abby's Story)
The house had never been so "lived in" in such a long time! Toys on the oval rag rug between the wing chairs, and in the chair. Sasha didn't know where to plop herself down in the evenings. Crayons on the kitchen table with lots of artwork tacked on the refrigerator and on the dining room wall. Dishes in the sink--not rinsed and put in the dishwasher. Towels and pint-sized clothing items to pick up from the bathroom floor, guest towel to hang back up on the rack and shampoo lids to return to their originally planned positions.It wasn't Patricia's fault at all, there was just so much activity right now with the beginning of harvest season. It was nice having little "Patty" stay for the week, but we had been running all week and things needed to get done! New laborers were showing up needing direction. The storefront was opening this weekend, shelves still needed to be stocked and new applicants for the sales position were arriving in response to the sign in the shop window. Last minute deliveries needed to be signed for, and in the midst of all this, a house guest from Thomas House!
"Whew! But, then, I knew it I was going be like this, the only time for it was before the harvest season, I just didn't think about it being the last week before the season started!" Abby argued to herself,

Dolls by polywen on Esty

"And, Patty had been such a delight! But my Paddy was a little confused having a 'Patty' around; they have had so much fun playing in the yard, hunting for caterpillars and bugs between doing the chores. I'd call out 'Patty' and they would both come running!" She smiled at the thought as she picked up the toys from the chair and placed them in the small cupboard. "I'd do this again . . . next year--next spring or, maybe even, after harvest season."

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

JOP - Fabricaholic

(This is for Jumping Off Places.) The texture of the fabric was intoxicating, I knew it was expensive. Black, soft, soothing velvet! I wanted to buy it; I though about it. But I turned away, looking for something that would save my pocketbook bottom line. There was moleskin, at half the price, that looked much the same, except not really as plush. I walked down the isles, looking at brocades, crushed panne, and even embroidered satins. I had a project in mind and tried to picture it with these alternative fabrics. Finally, I knew what I would do--I'd try the project with the a lesser fabric first. Sort of a practice project, instead of possibly wasting the expensive supplies on my first try. I pulled the bolt, walked to the counter with the moleskin. "A quarter yard please."

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

After Tea

(This is part 11 of Abby's Story) Ms. Griffith was an immaculately dressed forty-ish woman who was on time and very friendly. Tea was cordial--full of thank yous from Ms. Griffith, for all the vegetable donations--and a time for getting to know one another. After teatime, there was the tour Abby's home, and the farm, and some chatting with Suz and the boys in the garden. Abby and Ms. Griffith, Cathy at this point in the relationship, finally settled in the wing chairs in front of the fireplace.
Art card by artbylia

"Abigail, you have been highly recommended to me by all the staff and friends of Thomas House. I know that I am new, but I respect their opinions, and from what I see here, I must agree! I have a proposition for you. I have used a model in my previous job, it worked well and I would like to try it here. " Abby replied, "Well, I'm always for anything that will benefit the kids. What do you have in mind?" "We would like to start a new program", Cathy continued, "where you would host a child from Thomas House for a week. This would help the parents while they are finishing their studies, help the kids to be exposed to new experiences with all that goes on here at the farm. Some of these kids need a new sense of family which I believe they would see here at Blueberry Hill. We would like to start by just bringing groups of children for an afternoon tour of the farm. Then we can talk later about hosting a child and all the possible training and paperwork involved." While Abby and Cathy discussed the particulars, the afternoon was vanishing away. The sun was flooding thru the craft room windows and Sasha was brushing up against Abby's legs; she knew it was the time to be working in the sun filled room.

Art by deezart

(Art for today's story was from Etsy sellers. Please visit their shops for more great offerings.)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pine Sprigs II

Green in the midst of winter! Six inches of character, texture, and unbending order with confident directional points on a limb. This 'Small Stones' post corresponds to my Sunday Sketch on my other blog. Please visit!:

Friday, February 18, 2011

Jumping Off Places - Week Two

Just 'jump right in!' (when it comes to our writing). Our first week was very interesting, to see what each writer/blogger chose as their jumping off place! Today I'll provide a new list of first lines for you to write about next week. If you have written something for week two, please drop down to the link part of this post and add your name and your URL so we will all be able to read your creativeness! A review of it works: 1) First Lines provided here. 2) Write a post on your blog using the first line of your choice. It doesn't have to be long, just a few thoughts or a paragraph. Anything. Who knows, it could become a story! 3) Take your time--One Week--then come back next Friday and link in! 4) On Friday's we'll read each other's work and Enjoy! First Lines for Week THREE: 1) As he sauntered down the hall, he dropped each page one at a time. 2) A man in a pin striped suit with a bright blue paisley tie, walked thru the lobby and pushed the elevator button to the penthouse. 3) The texture of the fabric was intoxicating, I knew it was expensive. 4) It was bright this morning, the first sun shinny day of this week. 5) Two glittering little eyes shined out of the hole in the baseboard at me and . . . Happy CREATIVE writing! Don't forget to come back and link in! Note: I'm having a bit of trouble with the html and it looks like last weeks posts are listed from 1-4 I will try to get that fixed, but go ahead and link in anyway. Thanks!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tea and Flowers

(This is part 10 of Abby's Story.)
Today, Abby was to have a guest. She spread the new patchwork tablecloth on the kitchen table, the dining room table was just too big for two people; she rinsed the dust from the china cabinet off the tea pot and cups and left them on the drainboard to dry. She made fudge last night and now she set about making some little finger sandwiches, arranging them with strawberries and kiwi slices on a three tiered plate with some of the fudge on the top plate. She made some lemonade, putting it in the refrigerator to cool, just in case her guest was not a "tea person" and then there was the coffee too. She always had a hot pot thermos of coffee ready for anyone who stopped by. "I think I could use some flowers for the table. They are always so charming and calming. Besides, I sell them in town, and everyone else gets to enjoy the benefit from all our hard work in the garden, so my guest and I should enjoy them too!" She walked out the back door, thru the porch screen door and around the corner of the house, to the side yard, past the vegetable garden and on to the flower garden. "We've planted cosmos, daisies, zinnias, echinacea, day lilies, rudbeckia, and sweet peas to name a few." She said it to seemingly no one. The plot was edged with rose bushes dividing the flower garden from the lawn. She found Suz and Paddy pulling a few weeds between the rows. "Good morning, no studies this morning?"
"Yes, we're going over our botany lesson, while we work. What are you doing?" said Paddy.
"The new director of Thomas House is coming for tea and I need some flowers for my table. I'm excited to meet her. I told her come all the way out Beavercreek Road until she saw . . . "the most beautiful flower garden around" and that would be my house! Since it's the first thing that you see as you drive in the driveway. hmmmm . . . . I think I'll choose some cosmos for today's table."
"What does she want, grandma?"
"Owen, I really don't know. The people at Thomas House called me and made the appointment . . . ."

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

JOP - Inconceivable

This entry is for 'Jumping Off Places' for Friday February 18th. Please visit my Friday post to see the other submissions by the other participants. (And an explanation of the exercise.) Thanks! She was sitting, all crouched down, in the corner of the room, staring at the side wall. Shock was threatening to set in as she held her phone out in front of her. Everything had seemed like it was moving ahead in an acceptable manner up until the phone rang. Granted, she was waiting for the call, had been all morning. Surgery was scheduled early and it was impossible for her to schedule her flight to Minneapolis in time, so she had kept busy preparing the house for her absence and packing all morning, even managing to stay hopeful on the phone when friends called offering encouragement. But this . . . . this was just too much! Mom came thru the surgery OK, as expected, and had a long recovery road ahead of her, but this . . . to find out that some one set the fire--on purpose! It was inconceivable.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Life Spark?

(Part 9 of Abby' Story)
"Life does seem like it's full of meals and crafting and . . . I . . . I need some more purpose in life, Sasha, now that hubby is gone. I know, I have the kids and grandkids, but I need a spark somewhere. Oh well, I won't dwell on it. Maybe I will return this call from the folks at Thomas House and and see what they want."

(Phone available from zanylainee on Etsy) She walked over and sat down at the antique school desk that now doubled as a phone desk and picked up the handset. Dialing the number and waiting for an answer, she glanced around the room at her treasures. Treasure of framed photographs, mostly, but interspersed with trinkets of meaning. Most of them given her by the family on different occasions. There were the Willow Tree angel figurines, one holding a puppy on her shoulder, one kneeling in prayer, and the other posing holding a bouquet of flowers behind her back. All gifts from friends and colleagues of the past. On the bookcase were the forties style little boy and girl figurine that had belonged to hubby's mom. So sentimental, they were, when she gazed at them remembering . . . . . "Oh! Yes . . . hello there! I was returning your call . . . Well, yes, I would be willing to meet with her . . . ."

Monday, February 14, 2011

Small Stones Puddles, puddles everywhere! Reflections of trees and sky, then a drop ripple, then another, disturbing the image and the status quo. Oh, for a sunny reflection today!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Jumping Off Places - Week ONE!

We all need a place, a reason to just 'jump right in!' when it comes to our writing. This blog provides a list, on Friday's, for you to Jump Start our writing skills. I provide first lines, you "jump right in" and try your hand at creative writing! Any exercise of your writing will help you improve your creative thought processes, inspire you and others who read your piece, and it might be a significant discipline in creativity! Here's how it works: 1) First Lines provided here. 2) Write a post using the first line of your choice. It doesn't have to be long, just a few thoughts or a paragraph. Anything. Who knows, it could become a story! 3) Take your time--One Week--then come back next Friday and link in! 4) We'll read each other's work and Enjoy! 5) If you like, you can add First Lines for Week TWO: 1) She was sitting, all crouched down, in the corner of the room, staring at the side wall. 2) A flock of squawking birds flew overhead, but I I heard nothing. 3) Gumballs hit the floor with a crash, scattering everywhere, under the bureau, atop the rug, and rolling into the spare room. 4) Like steam rising from a dryer vent, it seemed to be rising from both his ears. 5) I quickly jotted down the address and ran for the door with my purse and keys in hand. Happy CREATIVE writing! Don't forget to come back and link in!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cookies, Spelling and Work

(Part 8 of Abby's Story - originally published in my other blog and, now, continued here) Paddy and Owen scrambled up the back steps and slammed the screen door behind them. "Grandma, we're gonna work in the fields today, are ya coming? Mom wants to know." Putting the last dish in the cupboard and hanging up the new tea towel, Abby responded, "Well, how are you boys today, did you get your studies done for the morning?" "Yep! and we're all ready to plant those new shrubs you bought. Dad got out early this morning and dug all the holes in the new rows, now we have to set them in! Grandma, did you make some more snickerdoodles? It smells like snickerdoodles. Can we have some?" "I made them this morning, just for you! Help yourself, you know where the cookie jar is. I hope you ate your lunch, but I guess you probably did, since you are ready to work! Owen, can you spell 'cookie', for grandma? I know you've been working on your spelling words. And Padraic, you can spell 'snickerdoodle'. " C-O-O-K-I-E recipe: "Enjoy! I used to always make these for your mom and her siblings when they were growing up, and now I make them for you. When your grandpa and I were young and broke, I would use all shortening and not butter (or which ever I had), 'cuz all the ingredients were pretty basic and still in our cupboards. We grew to love them!!!!" P.S. Can you tell which child is younger?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Small Stone - Hiding Place

Hiding place? Burrow or hollow? Squirrel are you in there? Or is there only rainwater deep inside this hiatus of wood?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Hazelnut Swirl

Remembering vanilla being her favorite ice cream flavor as a second grader, Amy wondered why her taste had been so unadventurous. This grand opening first day in her Gelato shop was a long way from her unadventurous life as a child. As she worked on a new batch of Pistachio Cream, out front, Robert served the hoards of new customers on this warm day. She could barely take in all that was happening. A Gelato shop! Not plain old vanilla, but a healthy, Italian traditional treat! Gelato! Different from ice-cream not only in the process of production, but also in flavour, structure, nutritional values and appearance. Different also than the flavors of her youth! Amaretto Black Cherry Cream, Cinnamon Dulce le Leche, Raspberry Lavender Swirl, and Lemon Custard Fig! Yes, she had stepped whole heartedly into her grand new adventure--Hazelnut Swirl Gelato Shop! (This is my first submission for "Jumping Off Places"-- join us, won't you?)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Life's Violent Ripples

Life is not just calm waters. Changes-ripples--are inevitable. Shock waves interrupt the status quo. The initial disturbance seems violent and is definitely alarming, but life has a way of returning to--not normal--but to a level of the everyday, once again. lp This is the definition of tomorrow's Sunday Sketch located in my other blog:

Friday, February 4, 2011

Jumping Off Places

New Series for Fridays! Jumping Off Places (for your writing, that is!) Sometimes, we all need a place, a reason to just 'jump right in!' I want to provide a list, on Friday's, for us to Jump Start our writing skills. I will provide first lines, you "jump right in" and try your hand at creative writing! Any exercise of your writing will help you improve your creative thought processes, inspire you and others who read your piece, and it might be a significant discipline in creativity! Here's how it works: 1) First Lines provided here. 2) Write a post in your blog using the first line of your choice. It doesn't have to be long, just a few thoughts or a paragraph. Anything. Who knows, it could become a story! 3) Take your time--One Week--then come back next Friday and link in--listing the URL of your post! 4) We'll read each other's work and Enjoy!

Today's FIRST LINES: 1. A pencil, a tape measure, and a stack of old newspapers sat on the conference table as we entered. 2. A calender is a funny thing, with it's blank spaces and numbered days. 3. Remembering vanilla being her favorite ice cream flavor as a second grader, Amy wondered why her taste had been so unadventurous. 4. My eye was caught by a book on the shelf, pushed back from the others with a tattered orange dust jacket and white letters. 5. I watched the wind in the tree tops and thought . . . Now . . . . . . . Go For IT! Be sure to come back on February 11th and leave the link to your post!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dinner Disciplines

(Part 7 of Abby's Story) After filling Sasha's dish with her favorite choice, Abigail grabbed her apron, and after slipping it over her head and tying it in back, she set about to fix her own dinner. She thought about her apron, a gift from Suz, and marvelled at the choice of fabric that she had used for the vintage pattern. Suz made many of these to sell online, as an Etsy seller, herapronstrings , the shop "for vintage styled aprons and more". It helped her use any unused time, although there was not much of that in certain seasons. It was her creative outlet and she did well with it. "Of course we do sell them in the farm shop when it opens later in the season", she told Sasha, as if the feline had been in on her thoughts, all along the way. A fresh from the garden salad, sporting green onions, and carrots from the market, and some homemade macaroni and cheese, baked just right with a nice golden cheese crust, was an easy fix for Abby. She took her plate to the huge table, left to her by her mother-in-law, now with vacant seats all around. It was empty but she didn't mind, "It served it's purpose, while I was raising all the kids. I still like it, it brings back many wonderful memories." Finishing her dinner, and thinking about her craft project for the evening, Abby rose to do the dishes. No dishwasher for her, just a crocheted dish cloth and a cute hand embroidered rooster tea towel would do the job! "Tonight, I think a good book is in order, Sasha, after I make a few phone calls and finish sorting those fabric pieces on the cutting table. Someone from Thomas House called me, and I need to return the call. Then, the wing chair and the fireplace are calling my name! And I can try out my newest lap quilt!"

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Yesterday I took some time on the patio, the sun had returned to the Northwest. The air was still a little nippy, but I didn't care. I took my breakfast outside, or should I say brunch because it wasn't early, to soak up some vitamin D.
Pause is always good for creativity. After enjoying my fresh cooked (and warm) applesauce and a cup of Earl Grey, I went inside to get my camera. I took several photos, kind of artsy shots in the small area. I thought I would share with you my view of the world in that slice of time. Maybe it could be a boost to your creativity too!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Craft Room - (part 6, Abby's Story)

(Abby's Story - part 6) After all the fun at Thomas House and the errands, Abby settled into the craft room to work on her latest creation. "I almost forgot to pick up our new stock order at the nursery, today Sasha!Terry and Suz will take care of the new shrubs, until all of us can get out there to plant. I'm so glad to have family work days together. Dreams are not very good, unless you can share the progress with someone!" The craft room was at the back of the house and had huge windows that looked out at the blueberry acreage. The sun was getting low on the horizon and shined directly into the room, providing plenty of late afternoon light to work on her project. The sewing machine was there, the cutting table, a recliner and side table, beautiful quilts on the walls for decor and plenty of storage for her fabrics. Returning to a pile of cut fabric, she began sorting the colors into patterns. "These are lovely prints, they remind me of my great-grandmother's dress prints. She always wore sort of non-descript loose fitting dresses with a small print fabric, but, I guess they were comfortable" as she looked up at the framed pictures placed carefully everywhere among the neat stacks of fabric on the shelves. There was one particular large gilded frame set predominately on the side table. While still reminiscing about the old pictures of grandma and great-grandmother's family standing in front of the old home place, Abby continued to sort the fabric pieces, rearranging as needed for the design. She had already made a patchwork tablecloth for her patio table, but Suz wanted one for her home. Sasha brushed up against her feet under the table, letting her presence be known. "Oh, Sasha, it's getting late and I forgot your dinner, didn't I?"