About Me

I am a self taught artist, who loves watercolor, and quilting arts. I guess I call myself a textile artist since that is where I have spent the bulk of my time creating.  I love fabrics; but I do all sorts of creating!  I also love photographing nature and would rather be outside, most of the time.  When I do have the time, I like sketching with charcoal pencils. See my Gallery page!

Did I say that I love watercolor!?  I paint when I can, and I love to see the work of others.  I admire those who have honed their skills in this discipline!  Two of  my favorite watercolor artists are Kelly Bermudez and Kathleen Golter Roeth.

I love reading too!  And, obviously, writing.  I don't feel that I am an accomplished writer, but I love to try. Abby's story is the start of a written work that I sometimes share in this blog.  See tab on home page called Abby' Story.

Personally speaking, just call me Grandma!  I currently have twenty-seven grandchildren from cradle to college age.  That's not too many when I have a blended family of ten children--all grown of course! So, don't be surprised to see some pictures of family in this blog!

Here's hoping that you enjoy my reflections, my introspection and my art in this blog as much as I love sharing and writing it!

And please visit one of my shops listed in the sidebar.