Friday, April 15, 2011

JOP Writing Party - Week Eight

Just 'jump right in!'
(when it comes to our writing, that is!)
Jumping Off Places Writing Party!!
Well, I  got the formatting right this time!  I upgraded my blogger editor and that worked!!
Now for our Friday linky party! We hope you might choose to join us! Practicing our writing skills, is what this is all about!  Write something cute, sad, inspiring, scary, or awesome! Just WRITE! First lines for writing something this week were found in my April 8th post.
A review of how our party works can be found at the top of this page under the Jumping Off Places tab. If you have written something for this week, please drop down to the link part of this post and add your name and your URL. Then everyone who visits will be able to come read your creativeness!
First Lines for Next Week --Week NINE--
1) Discovering my unique gifting, opened my eyes to new possibilities.
2) The bee flitted from blossom to blossom in an erratic pattern.
3) Zzzzzzzzz was the only sound I heard in the frozen ice land.
4) The first line of my favorite novel is . . . .  
5) I turned to take the path to the left, but it was another dead end! 
Don't forget to come back next Friday and link in!


Re said...

Thank you again Linda/Abigail, post from the past weeks prompt.

TiLT said...

I'll be back soon to post & read everyone's :) I am so loving this party!!!

TiLT said...

Ugh - I never got back to it in time. Thinking I may still do it just won't be a linky :)