Friday, September 28, 2012

September Doodlings

(For Sunday, connecting to BlueChairDiary's Sunday Sketches.  Visit there to see other participants.)

Well, September is practically over, Fall is here and I have neglected this blog, I see.  I've been in a sort of funk, just tired I guess.  We've all seen those movie plots about the writer or painter that is struggling under a deadline and is behind and/or lost his muse--that's been me!  I did do another illustration but chose not to share it--it will be a surprise when the book comes out. 
I did do some fun stuff, not related to my book illustrations. 

I took a simple drawing, and tweaked it a bit:

then I painted it---just for the fun of it! 

Hope to have some progress on the book illustrations to show you next week!  Wish me luck!


BeadedTail said...

It turned out lovely! Our weather is making me want to do anything other than be inside being crafty so maybe when the rains return we'll both be feeling all creative again.

Blogging Business Artisans said...

It's great to create just for fun!

Splendid Little Stars said...

It very lovely, Linda! I love the soft watercolors.
I've been way too busy lately to feel crafty or creative. I'm looking forward to when those days return.

Christine said...

I love the lines you have created, just a beautiful painting!

Unknown said...

oh so pretty and reminds me of all the cat tails my Dad used to bring home for my Mom!!!!

Molly said...

So graceful! I can feel the gentle breeze over the water...

Hwee said...

I like the minimal lines you've used in this drawing. Lovely!

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely 'zen like' illustrations ~ excited for you about your book ~ (A Creative Harbor)

Joni Nickrent said...

Love your illustrations...beautiful!

sharon said...

Love your drawing, sometimes simplicity is the hardest, well done.

wednesday said...

This is great, seems like it just leapt from your pen.

Morph Waffle said...

Pretty little piece, I love ink with watercolor, always a lovely style!

Alicia C said...

these are breathtaking, both with and without colour.

Unknown said...

I like your sunday sketch. Its very calming to me.

Here's GOOD LUCK to you

stefanie stark said...

You did a beautiful illustration. So simple somehow and so impressing!!! I love it!

Kathleen said...

Love this! I can almost feel the breeze...

Heather said...

I love the simplicity of your illustrations!
P.S. Congrats on being cancer free for 7 years!!!!!