Sunday, September 2, 2012

Icy Stairs

"I wonder why grandma doesn't like the stairs,
Is she scared of them?
I wonder why grandma is slow on the stairs,
Does she think they are slippery?"
(Quote from Grandma Doesn't Like the Stairs children's book by Linda Pruitt)

I have shared my scary page with you in a previous post and now I have finished working on the slippery stairs page. Previously I shared the preliminary sketch of the slippery stairs page in my Sunday Sketches post. (You can find it here.)  I made notes at the bottom of my icy page sketch as to the progression that I wanted to paint the final art.

Working on the page, I wanted it to look more icy and not just snowy.  I found that making it look right was most difficult. I did a practice sky wash with a second wash for the clouds; you can see it in the left top of this next picture.  Then I added the liquid mask, which was a very old product, I think I will need to buy some new masking product.

 Here is how it turned out:
I don't think it turned out like the image I had in my mind.  I was envisioning using a little lavender color in the final work, and the old liquid mask did not erase well,  so I am considering doing it over again. 

Have your say: You think it turned out enough like the sketch?
Linking to BlueChairDiary Sunday Sketches.


Morph Waffle said...

Love seeing the progression! Those stairs sure do look icy!

Christine said...

Those stairs do look very icy, and the blue makes them look very cold!

storybeader said...

I love how it came out! Three-dimensional and very realistic! If this wasn't working right, then your next one will be fantastic! Great idea about the wind blowing {:-D

Memories for Life said...

This looks great! The blue color adds to the overall feel of the cold. Great job!

SarahBeth said...

I think it looks very icy and very cold! Brrr! That liquid mask is an interesting product!

Anonymous said...

It did turn out different, more icy versus snowy. I like it though- the cool colors make it look way more intimidating!

Debbie said...

so realistic! great job!

Tracey FK said...

I love seeing the progression... it looks fabulous even if it isn't what you had thought... I really like the finished product...xx

Kathleen said...

Very fun! It looks ***burrrr cold*** to me!

pasqueflower said...

I think you've captured the essence of cold and icy. I think it's a keeper. The addition of a little lavender will soften the brightness of the blue.

How fun that you and Linda are teaming up on the book.