I have been getting back to a children's book that I wrote some years ago, letting it sit unfinished when I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I'm doing fine now, seven years later, and now I am finishing up all the illustrations for it. (You can catch up on the process in my previous week's posts.)
Some illustrations have come easier than others--I find that I am not very good with human figures, so I have been practicing! Here are a couple of pages from my sketch book diary.
Thanks for taking a look!
I have linked up with Sunday Sketches over at BlueChairDiary. It's fun to see what everyone else is working on! I hope you will visit.
you have captured a lovely movement in your figures, not easy to do I think.
Love that gal jumping rope! Fun action drawing!
Glad you are healed and letting your artist out!
A dear friend just had her last surgery for her breast reconstruction after her double mas. Good for you being cancer free seven years now! Way to go~
Great sketches. The girl skipping rope looks super.
These look great! The faces are very realistic.
wonderful to see your sketches.
lovely sketches!
Oh I struggle with the human form. I'm thinking of taking a class this fall to help with that big problem! Your sketches are great! Practice, practice right?
I struggle with the human form too and it's what I draw and paint more than anything else. It's just challenging in general, so good for you for sticking with it. And how cool that you're illustrating a children's book. I can't think of a better way to celebrate your good health.
But it's fun to practice. Your sketches seem great to me!
i think they're very sweet illustrations. we're always our own worst critics. wahoo on the 7 years front. our friend just her 9 year check up the other day!! which means my sister in law must be 11 or 12 years out. this is ALL good. keep at the book!
congrats on the 7 year milestone and I have to say that I struggle with figures as well... these are great I think...xx
Love your new blog and your new expression of creativity! Can't wait to see what is yet to come.
Drawing people is always difficult for me, too!
I am glad you shared them with us...and i wish you all of the best with your book!
Actions figures and faces ~ lovely ~ fun creations ~ (A Creative Harbor) Exploring is always challenging yet fun I think ~ ^_^
Very nice sketches!
congratulations on your remission and getting back into finishing your book!
great to hear that you've hit your 7 year mark and are doing well!
your sketches are lovely-- great movement in the top one.
Love the movement in your sketches! Cool! :-)
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